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Training programs


Destin Flight Works operates a flight school that offers fixed-wing flight training from basic Private Pilot through advanced ratings such as Instrument. We employ a highly qualified and fully certified staff of flight instructors who are eager and dedicated to providing quality training. Our simplified registration and scheduling process will have you in the cockpit and learning the basics of flying in no time. Additionally, the diverse aircraft fleet we provide gives extensive options from beginner to advanced pilot preferences. After flight school training, you can rent Destin Flight Works aircraft both to continue to hone your skills and enjoy the thrill of being airborne.


FAA PART 141 Approved

FAA PART 61 Approved

VA Approved


Private Pilot

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Private Pilot Certificate Requirements

The Private Pilot Certificate is the first step towards your career in aviation. We will guide you every step of the way in the process of learning to fly. Destin Flight Works walks you through the administrative requirements so you can focus on learning and flying.

The FAA-approved Part 61 program requires a minimum of 40 hours of flight time, including at least 20 hours of flight training from a flight instructor and 10 hours of solo time, 5 of which need to be cross-country to include one solo cross-country of at least 150 nautical miles; 3 hours of cross-country flying as well as 3 hours of night flying, with 1 cross-country flight of over 100 nautical miles (NM) and 10 takeoffs and 10 landings to a full stop at an airport; 3 hours of flight utilizing their instruments; 3 hours of flight training with their instructor to ready themselves for their practical exam test within 60 days of the exam’s date.

The FAA-approved Part 141 program requires a minimum of 35 hours of training, with 20 hours of flight training from a flight instructor, including 5 hours of solo flight time, with one solo a 100 NM cross-country flight with landings at three points; 3 hours of cross-country time and 3 hours of night flying with the inclusion of one cross-country flight of more than 10 NM and 10 takeoffs and landings to a full stop at an airport; 3 hours of flight time using on instruments.

Please note, the above Private Pilot License requirements are the training minimums. Upon completing these minimum requirements, the pilot may need to complete additional training to become proficient.

STEP 1 - Discovery Flight & Submitting Paperwork

STEP 2 - Fundamentals of Flight Training (15-20 Hours of Flight Time)

STEP 3 - Advanced / Solo Flight Training (20-30 Hours of Flight Time)

STEP 4 - Examination and Testing (10-15 Hours of Flight Time)



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Book your first flight now:

Discovery Flight - $199.00


instrument rating


Instrument rating REQUIREMENTS

The Instrument Rating is an excellent addition to a Private Pilot’s Certificate, which by itself leaves the pilot limited to flying only during Visual Flight Rules (VFR) conditions. It enables pilots to fly rather than be grounded even during cloudy weather and other weather conditions that cause low visibility.

The FAA-approved Part 61 program requires a minimum of 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot in command, and 40 hours of actual or simulated instrument time. Also, it is required to have flight of 250 nautical miles along airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility.

STEP 1 - Instrument Flying Skills

STEP 2 - Instrument Approach

STEP 3 - Cross-Country Instrument Flights

STEP 4 - Checkride



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Commercial Pilot


Commercial pilot certificate REQUIREMENTS

During your commercial pilot training, you'll learn new maneuvers, and you'll have to be more consistent and precise than during private pilot training. You'll also learn to fly longer cross-country flights, including at least one cross-country flight that is at least 300 nautical miles total and includes a single leg of at least 250 miles.

A commercial pilot applicant needs to demonstrate proficiency, but also needs to have some experience. To obtain a commercial pilot certificate under CFR Part 61, you'll need at least 250 flight hours, including 100 hours of pilot-in-command time and 50 hours of cross-country flying. Also, you'll need to get at least 10 hours of instrument training and 10 hours in a complex airplane, a turbine-powered airplane, or a technically advanced airplane (TAA), or any combination thereof. If you have an instrument rating, it will cover instrument flight time requirements for the commercial certificate.



PAC-750 Turbine training


PAC-750 Turbine Training

Destin Flight Works provides turbine transition aviation training for piston pilots who seek to upgrade to a turbine-powered aircraft for the first time.

Our highly comprehensive introductory transition program is designed to provide piston engine and propeller pilots with a thorough introduction to jets and turbine engine aircraft.

Once you complete your training, you will have the knowledge you need to speak confidently for a job interview, a discussion with the insurance company, or any other scenario you may encounter. Although we don’t provide certification or type ratings, our program is the first step toward obtaining your turbine-powered aircraft experience.

Download and fill out your new student pilot form today and email it to!



Helicopter pilot Training


Helicopter Pilot TRAINING

Most helicopter pilots learn to fly in piston-powered helicopters. To become a more experienced, commercially marketable pilot, pilots may choose to obtain turbine helicopter experience. In order to help pilots in that transition from piston to turbine helicopters, Destin Flight Works has developed an intensive helicopter pilot training course in MD-500.

Download and fill out your new student pilot form today and email it to!



VA Approved

We are proud to announce that Destin Flight Works has received full approval from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for both Instrument Rating - Airplane SEL and Commercial Pilot Certificate - Airplane SEL courses. Eligible veterans can now utilize their VA educational benefits to pursue their passion for flying and embark on a rewarding career in aviation. Our experienced instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, and comprehensive curriculum ensure that every student receives the highest quality of education and hands-on flight experience. To find out more information about your flight training benefits, please contact our office today (850) 269-1662 or